Today I was excited to get my first cheque from Checkout 51 was for $20.50! It's a Canadian coupon app where you can use this app and physical coupons to double up :) If you have a iPhone/iPod/iPad...check it out :)
I am trying to keep a bit of a journal of the happenings in our life. Our life is not just the pretty pictures and fun things I post, but it is also the dirty dishes that overflow the sink, never ending laundry, baked cookie fails, sibling squabbles, sickness, work trips, school stuff, and all the nitty gritty. I just want to respect the people that I am sharing life with. Just remember that...Life is more than what I post on Facebook or my Blog.
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Day 30 - January 30, 2013
The girls had a quick snack after school and then ran off to play. They were playing quietly so I went up to check on them and found the girls playing very nicely with their dolls. I asked if I could get a quick picture of them with some of the dolls and they were happy to oblige...making them the picture of the day.
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Day 29 - January 29, 2013
Today we had the WDCS Basketball Tournament. The team started the day off strong with 3
wins before coming up against some really stiff competition and lost our last
round robin game to Sarnia. We moved on to the semi finals and beat Faith
Christian Academy. We lost in the finals to Sarnia Christian School. Very proud
of our team for coming in 2nd. Great job!
Monday, January 28, 2013
Day 28 - January 28, 2013
Savannah has been counting down the days til her birthday...2 weeks and 1 day! Savannah is home today because she was sick last night. We are enjoying some 1 on 1 time and she is now working on her birthday party invitations. I am so excited that I get to be a part of one of Savannah's epic birthday parties at Kim's house. I've missed the last two on account of surgeries. I can't wait to see what is all on the list of things we are going to do!
So today's picture is of Savannah colouring her Lego invites.

Sunday, January 27, 2013
Day 27 - January 27, 2013
In between church services today, Carsten built "The Droid Carrier." Carsten loves building Lego creations and lately has been building his own Star Wars creations. I love how Carsten doesn't need instructions but rather uses his imagination...the whole back part spins all the way around.
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Day 26 - January 26, 2013
Today my sister got down on one knee and popped the question...Will you be my bridesmaid? How very exciting!! I made her do it again so I could get a picture :D Praying for Melissa and Kyle as they start this new chapter in their life.
Friday, January 25, 2013
Day 25 - January 25, 2013
PD Day for the kids today...By 10:00 am we had 7 kids in the house and everyone wanting to do something. We quickly set a rule of no more than 1 hour of electronics ...exception if they were well behaved, we'd watch a movie during quiet time. Alex and Jared quite quickly played on the iPod and Wii while the rest went to go play. When they were done, Cailyn and Carsten played some Wii and then a couple of us played Apples to Apples. Lunch and quiet time came a little later today because we were really into the game. Thinking that a movie would be some great down took us a bit to choose a movie we all wanted to watch ;) After the movie, the kids (Alex and Rowan stayed inside) went out to play in the freshly fallen snow. Some more indoor play, mini sticks, tidying up, and board games finished off our day. It was quite a good day :) I snapped pictures throughout the day so I had a few to choose from but settled on the one of the kids waiting for the movie to, blankets, pillows, dolls and teddy bears settled in
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Day 24 - January 24, 2013
Today Savannah took part in her school's Speakfest. She told the kids, parents and teachers the story of "The Man Who Said Thank You". She did an excellent job and we are very proud of her...I know I would have been crazy nervous.
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Day 23 - January 23, 2013
Sometimes I get a little behind in the laundry...I just keep washing, drying and then sorting them into bins for each family member. Tonight after sewing lessons, I finally had a chance to sit down and fold it. So today's picture is my sorted, clean laundry...followed by a picture of it all folded and ready to be put away. Laundry is caught up til I get up tomorrow morning or check the kids rooms ;)
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Day 22 - January 22, 2013
Cookie Decorating! Cailyn reminded me that we were going to decorate the cookies that I got a couple weeks ago...finally we were all together and feeling pretty good. So we opened the kits and got to it. Yes, they were Christmas cookie kits but the kids seemed to like having Christmas in January. No worries, the expiry is in May :)
Monday, January 21, 2013
Day 21 - January 21, 2013
Alex stayed home sick today so I took full advantage of a free babysitter and encouraged Alex and Rowan to cuddle which would keep him busy for the day so I don't have to watch him...
Alex has been fighting a bad cold, some asthma and so he is taking one more day at home resting. They sneaked in a quick cuddle before Alex got sent upstairs to spend most of the day.
Rowan loves to hang out with Alex any time and the highlight of his day is when Alex gets home from school. Today will be more of a challenge trying to keep them separate ... Maybe I'll have to keep him home someday when he is feeling better ;)
Alex has been fighting a bad cold, some asthma and so he is taking one more day at home resting. They sneaked in a quick cuddle before Alex got sent upstairs to spend most of the day.
Rowan loves to hang out with Alex any time and the highlight of his day is when Alex gets home from school. Today will be more of a challenge trying to keep them separate ... Maybe I'll have to keep him home someday when he is feeling better ;)
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Day 20 - January 20, 2013
Today was my sister Jenny's birthday and we pray God gives her many more. After supper at Brian and Jenny's, we got Carsten and Savannah to snap a few pictures of Mom with her daughters. So here is the picture for the day...
Saturday, January 19, 2013
Day 19 - January 19, 2013
Today started bright and early with a mini basketball tournament at ICS. Our team did quite well. I look forward to seeing them continue to develop their skills throughout the season. Here is a picture of Carsten and Alex (#20) when they were playing the ICS Girls team.
Friday, January 18, 2013
Day 18 - January 18, 2013
I am so thankful for the school that our children go to and today was a very fun day as it was "Bring a Friend to School" day. We ended the school day with skating. Here's Alex racing towards me.
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Day 17 - January 17, 2013
I had two sweet girls deliver my Elgin County Market to my door today instead of just one. Cailyn helped Savannah deliver the flyers today so they could play sooner :)
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Day 16 - January 16, 2013
Here's a snapshot that I took when I went to pick up the kids at Kim's house after my doctor's appointment...they were playing a game of Phase 10 after a picnic supper. I think my kids like hanging out at Kim's house :) I am very thankful for my friend who is able and willing to help me out when I am not feeling the greatest. Thanks Kim!
P.S. Thankful for Mark who also helped me out lots since not feeling so well on Saturday and coming home early from work yesterday. He didn't want me to take his picture though ;)
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Day 15 - January 15, 2013
Today Savannah came home from school with her Royal Canadian Legion Poster. She won 1st place earlier and it was sent on to the next round. She placed second in the RCL Zone A-7. She was pretty excited getting second and another $20! I was excited to finally get to see her poster :)
Monday, January 14, 2013
Day 14 - January 14, 2013
A quick picture tonight of Alex practicing piano...we aim to practice 5 times a week but sometimes it doesn't quite work out. Usually Monday nights bring a good practice session for all as piano lessons are Tuesday morning :)
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Day 13 - January 13, 2013
Today's picture is a snapshot of our Children's Training Bible...I think it should be called a training bible because it's useful for kids and adults.
For more information
For more information
Saturday, January 12, 2013
Day 12 - January 12, 2013
The kids chilling on the couch after supper...waiting for me to sit down with them and watch an episode of Saved by the Bell...they think it is quite interesting and boy does it bring back memories.
Friday, January 11, 2013
Day 11 - January 11, 2013
Life has been a bit busy lately and let's just say tidying the counter has been put on the back burner. I love a clean counter and it's hard for me to use this as my picture of the day but this is what happens in our house if I am truthful. School papers, homework tupperware containers, Grocery Day binder, pens, pencils, camera bags, games, couple of groceries that didn't make it to the pantry...yikes! One minute tidy and 10 minutes later it looks like it has been a dump zone for weeks. So please forgive me for not job awaits me.
So 1/2 hour has passed...and I felt an urgent need to tidy...maybe I should post a picture of my counter more often...maybe it would stay tidy longer :) The kids are in bed and I am heading there soon, so it should stay this way til morning.
So 1/2 hour has passed...and I felt an urgent need to tidy...maybe I should post a picture of my counter more often...maybe it would stay tidy longer :) The kids are in bed and I am heading there soon, so it should stay this way til morning.
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Day 10 - January 10, 2013
My birthday present from Mark came this week. I haven't had time to play with it yet but look forward to learning how to use it.
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Day 9 - January 9, 2013
Kim, Savannah and I walked to Kim's house after school today while we waited for the boys to finish basketball practice. On the way home, we came to the conclusion that it is very hard to skip with a frown :D
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Day 8 - January 8, 2013
Carsten looks forward to coming home every day and playing road hockey with a friend who attends a home daycare down the street. After some sickness and Christmas break, they were pretty excited to get back at it.
Monday, January 7, 2013
Day 7 - January 7, 2013
Today I had a day off from watching extra kiddos so I headed to the school to take some pictures of the kids on their first day of school in 2013. The primary grades were enjoying the snow on the hill in front of the here is a picture of Savannah getting some sledding in at recess.
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Day 6 - January 6, 2013
Unfortunately, Carsten got sick right after we got home yesterday. He threw up all night :( Alex was doing pretty good til this afternoon when he got a bad headache. He came home from church and went straight to bed. He got up a couple hours later for some supper and went to bed shortly there after. Here is a picture I snapped of the two not feeling well...
Saturday, January 5, 2013
Day 5 - January 5, 2013
This afternoon the kids and I met up with Kim and the Felkars for some bowling at Palasad and supper at Swiss Chalet. What a great Christmas gift from Kim! The kids love getting together and it was a treat to get together right before the kids head back to school.
Friday, January 4, 2013
Day 4 - January 4, 2013
Savannah wanted to go shopping with Kim to get me a birthday present. The two went out and got some gifts and then did a wonderful job wrapping it all up. Savannah couldn't wait to have me open it up. So the picture of the day is the two of us right before opening it up.
And here is what was in the awesomely wrapped presents...
It was a lot of fun to unwrap each gift :)
And here is what was in the awesomely wrapped presents...
It was a lot of fun to unwrap each gift :)
Thursday, January 3, 2013
Day 3 - January 3, 2013
Today we decided to bring some chaos to Kim's house :) The Koopmans and VMS kids had a wonderful time...playing in the snow, fun toys to play with, a little sewing, ice cream shop, a movie for quiet time and ended with an indoor snowball fight! Sooooo fun! Here is Rowan at the end of the snowball fight...I think it's his favourite time.
P.S. Kim has (or had) great, fun Christmas decorations. You can make surprise snowballs like she did with white crepe paper and small toys, candy or trinkets. Here's a link to a site explaining it ...
P.S. Kim has (or had) great, fun Christmas decorations. You can make surprise snowballs like she did with white crepe paper and small toys, candy or trinkets. Here's a link to a site explaining it ...
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Day 2 - January 2, 2013
Savannah has been praying for snow...she was lamenting that she COULD NOT go another year without snow like last year. Carsten and Savannah love playing out in the snow. Unfortunately it is not great packing snow but Carsten managed to make two small snowmen. As they were getting trampled on...he transplanted them to the backyard. So the picture for today is the two little snowman.
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
Day 1 - January 1, 2013
This year was the first year that we let the kids stay up to ring in the New Year. We usually don`t do anything big for New Year`s Eve. Savannah and I had a short nap to prepare for staying up til midnight. We rang in the New Year with a couple of friends and their kids. The kids had a fabulous time and I wish I had pulled out my camera. I took an iPhone picture (because it was on hand) of Cailyn and Savannah celebrating the New Year (they were really excited). But my picture for Day 1 was taken shortly after the celebrating, Savannah all tucked into bed. So here it begins...
I am looking forward to 2013 and how God will work in each one of us. I think the Proverbs 31 Ministries picture says it all...
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