Friday, May 3, 2013

Day 122 - May 2, 2013

I love the little things in life...a whole bunch of new makes me smile because I love the fresh, clean whiteness...they'll never be this white again :D

I thought I was silly taking a picture and writing this but then I did a quick google before hitting publish and apparently lots of people like new socks. It made the list of 1000 awesome things at #809. I love reason #4...

4. Clean Dream. Sure, today your socks may be bright white, but we both know they’ll never be this clean again. Tiny holes will grow, heels will brown or yellow, and the elastic will fray and rip away. One day you’ll hold a sock from the dryer up in front of your face and actually wonder if it’s clean or dirty. That’s when the Clean Dream is over and it’s time to go shopping and start again.
So next time you slowly peel on a fresh pair of socks, just smile because you know you’re in for a great New Socks Day.

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