Physio has become a regular part of my week now. Thankfully it is only twice a week and hopefully I won't have to go too long. Searching for the right brace for my knee is proving harder than I thought though. Savannah and I have also been having visits to the chiropractor who is hoping to help with Savannah's headaches by doing some cranial massage.

Kim and I continue to visit Mom daily and this week we also had a chance to meet with Dad and her team for a review. We hope that we can find the right combination of medications to help Mom and that she will begin to really settle in to her new home.
I was kind of hoping for a Snow Day on Friday but unfortunately the message on the school website said that school was NOT the much anticipated Sports Dress-Up Day was on. Savannah went to school as a Red Wing goalie and Carsten as a Wings player.
Kim and I visited Mom before all of us excitedly headed to the USA for some shopping and to take in a Red Wing game. The drive went well but note to self and not use the outer lanes at the border because they may just push a Robert Q van in front of you in line and then search the whole van for 30 minutes as you wait patiently with a 9-year old in the back seat who really has to go pee :(
After spending 45 minutes at the border, we finally crossed and went straight to the game and found the nearest washroom...Relief.
The excitement revved up again as we went down to the ice to watch the Wings warm up.
As the game began, we settled in to watch the Wings take on the Islanders. The girls seemed to be having a great time and Mark watched but was also entertained by his iPhone.
The Red Wings played a great game and won 4-1. Pavel Datsyuk joined some elite company with an assist, tying him with Sergei Fedorov for 5th on Detroit Red Wings all-time assist list with 554 assists in his career. After the game we went to Hobby Lobby and had supper at Applebees. It was a amazing day!!
Savannah's purchase at Hobby Lobby...a drum set she bought for her American girl dolls and it's the perfect size for the dolls :) I love what I spent my Hobby Lobby birthday gift certificate on and can't wait for it to be hung up.
Mark has been under the weather lately and he has the chance to relax and try to heal up on the weekend. Hopefully he feels better soon and no one else gets the nasty cold he has. Kim and I visited Mom, helped with supper and then brought her out to the hymn sing led by the young peoples. Mom really enjoys the music, relaxes and even sang along to many of the songs. It was good for the kids to come and see Oma too.
On Monday our wish came true...we awoke at 6:15 am with a call from PRC with word that it was going to be a SNOW DAY!!! By 7:15 am, we had the second school confirm a SNOW DAY...our previous challenge was accepted and Mr. Schouten and teachers delivered...a Frozen parody announcing a SNOW DAY spread on Facebook. The kids and I thought it was fantabulous!!!
I figured with all the snow and cold, we should have a good breakfast before we shovelled and started our day. I began baking and was happy to get quite a bit done...muffins, Lazy Cookie Cake and 10 dozen cookies...wonder how long they'll last?
The VMS kids arrived around 9:45 and we enjoyed playing with Alvin. The VanMaanen boys joined us and we got lots of Lego play in before lunch.
And of course time in the snow...the snowplows left a great mountain of snow in the middle of our circle. Since we weren't expecting a snow day, the sleds were at school so we improvised and used rubbermaid tote lids, garbage can lids and cardboard boxes.
It was great to even sneak a visit to Mom later in the afternoon. What a busy, but fun day...Maybe we will get another Snow Day soon!
Tuesday, I started out with a brutal migraine...they seem to be unusually bad in the last month or so. I was very thankful that Mark let me go back to bed and he took the kids to school. Getting up later, I got myself ready to go snap some snow pictures for the yearbook with so much fresh snow. After that I picked up Rowan from the Ready, Set, Grow program at feels so weird that he will be going off to JK in September. The afternoon was spent relaxing a little as school is tiring and I was recovering from a rather big headache. After the VMS kids were picked up, Kim and I went to visit Mom during her supper time. Kim didn't have to work tonight, so we took advantage of cheap night at the movies...watching Paddington with Savannah.

I must admit, being busy, not feeling 100% and just trying to juggle everything lately, making supper has not been high on my list of things to do. Thankfully, I made spaghetti earlier in the week and doubled the sauce so I could make lasagna is the Spaghetti Squash Lasagna I made...don't worry I made regular Lasagna too and the best part is there was lots of yummy leftovers :)