Monday, February 9, 2015

WEEK 4 ~ JANUARY 22-28, 2015

Kim and I continue to visit Mom daily in hopes of helping her transition better...she has had a couple of not so great days but some ok days too, we continue to pray that she may adjust well into her new home. Mom has taken a special liking to Kim and her hand...she can tell the difference between mine and Kim's, preferring hers 9 out of 10 times :)

On Friday, Alex had an exam and the rest of the kids had a PD Day...I had a pretty bad migraine but after a nap we continued with our Winter Party. We had cupcakes, Lego building races, twister and more. It was fun and I thank Kim for letting us crash her house and "party" with her :)

Saturday, Mark and I went out for supper by ourselves, it doesn't happen often but it was nice to enjoy some time out without the kids and have a chance to talk before he left on a business trip. It was also nice to have Erin visit us on Sunday and the kids loved being able to play their usual game...The Game of Life.

Early Monday morning, Mark was off for the week on a business trip to North Carolina. Alex had no school as it was a semester turnover day for him and he was off to play volleyball at Spikes, followed by some paint ball fun. Savannah had cranial massage for headaches, while Carsten had basketball practice after school and so the VMS kids crashed at Kim's as I went back and forth.We also ate supper at Kim's, so Carsten and Kim could work on his jester costume for an upcoming school project. Yikes...what a day! After the kids were all in bed, I had to chuckle when I saw Carsten's list of things to bring for his basketball tournament for the next, coffee, lunch, shower, clothes and SKILL.

Up and at it, early Tuesday morning to get Savannah to school and then off to the basketball tournament. The kids played hard and had a great day! I think they came in 3rd. I actually enjoyed watching basketball and to see how far Carsten has come since last year. He definitely brought the skill :D

And a couple of videos of Carsten playing with his team ...

Physiotherapy began this week for me, adding to an already busy much as I wish my knee was all healed up, I'm not sure how much time I would have had for indoor soccer anyways :( Between orthodontist, physio, chiropractic and cranial appointments, tournaments, caring for the VMS kids, visiting MIL and just life...I was thankful for Kim, who was willing and able to help out were needed, especially with Mark gone and me with some pretty bad headaches and pain this week. I didn't really take many pictures, except for at the basketball tournament.

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