Friday, September 6, 2013

Day 249 - September 6, 2013

I LOVE price matching!! Sometimes I am told why bother or I don't have time and that's totally ok...I take the time and today I was absolutely giddy when I got almost $20 off my lean ground beef in about 30 seconds of my time. I decided I would write a post on Price Matching. On the left is the price I should have paid for the groceries at RCSS and the right is what I paid after price matching. I saved $49.75 without driving to several different stores! :)

Honey Nut Cheerios $4.47                             1 x Honey Nut Cheerios $2.99
6 x Fruite Peach Juice $11.94                         6 x Fruite Peach Juice $5.94  
4 x 18 Eggs $18.76                                        4 x 18 Eggs $11.88                  
9 x Lipton Soup Mix $17.01                           9 x Lipton Soup Mix $8.73  
4 x Orville Popcorn $19.08                             4 x Orville Popcorn $11.88
Lean Ground Beef $35.25                               Lean Ground Beef $15.34
------------------------------                         ------------------------------   
Total $106.51                                                 Total $56.76

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