Thursday, November 17, 2016

WEEK 27 ~ JULY 1-7, 2016

With our last day of Koopman camping in the books, we had a week to recoup amidst the soccer games, dentist appointments, finishing touches on the yearbook and planning for Summer Boys & Girls Club aka VBS.

Happy Canada Day! We enjoyed watching the Jays play the Indians even though they lost 2-1 in the 19th inning! I might have to say that the umping was not all that desirable, with ejections and some bad calls.

Logan got his trial wheelchair and he could hardly wait to give us a ride after church :)

Carsten got his much wanted ukulele and Savannah her drumpad...they are really enjoying making music.

We wanted to have a good visit with Mark's mom and we decided to bring the music...we enjoyed the activity room and I am pretty sure she loved the music that was played.

Since this is a shorter blog post, I will add some of the soccer pictures from the summer.

Here's Alex playing for Aylmer I.D.A...

And Carsten aka Sock Monkey playing for Graceview Enterprises...

And Savannah playing for Clovermead Apiaries...

And a warning for anyone who stands near me at the kid's games. 

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