Monday, May 16, 2016

WEEK 32 ~ AUGUST 6-12, 2015

This week started with Grandma Camp...I think it originally started when one of the grandkids stayed over at Grandpa and Grandma for a night or two and then the others started asking when it was their turn...and Grandma Camp began. So a few years ago, my parents started taking the kids for a couple days (usually in a couple groups) so they could spend time with the grandkids and the kids could play with their cousins. This year they swam at Uncle Brian and Aunt Jenny's, baseball in the backyard, lots of trampoline fun, games with Grandpa and Grandma, campfires and s'mores...a great bonding time all around. I don't usually get pictures but these were sent to me by various sources.

With the last few days of prepping for Summer B&G Club, it was good to have a few less kids around ;) 

While the kids were enjoying grandparent quality time, Mark and I attended Brianna & Jacob's wedding. It was a good time with family and friends. Mark's mom was even able to attend the wedding. Thanks Kim for making it happen! We were able to snap a few pictures of Mom with some of her grandkids, her boys, and the bride and groom. 

We went to visit my parents and pick the kids up on Sunday. I LOVE Sundays at my parents after church...we just enjoy a time with family and have supper together before heading back home. 

Wonder where the girls got the idea?

Look no further than Grandpa...he's been doing it for years

My parents and the grandkids

 My sisters...Melissa and Jenny

Savannah and some nieces piled on me for a picture

 Cousins Abby and Savannah

Monday was the first day of Camp Kilimanjaro at B&G Club (VBS) and it was great to share the reason for the hope in us...sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with all who came...stories, music, crafts, sports, snacks, object lessons, and more...

Also in this week, Savannah had an orthodontist appointment where thankfully we still have some time before she will get her braces on. It was kind of fun to see the molds of her teeth. 

Every year during our VBS week Carsten celebrates his birthday...we usually try to make it a little special since we spend so much time at church during this week...cake and pizza are usually had for supper. This year we got a cake for a VBS teacher, Janet, who shares a birthday with Carsten.

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